Penis thickening with autologus fat, lasting more girth without scars

In brief
In penile thickening with autologous fat, the body’s own fatty tissue is harvested, typically from areas such as the abdomen or thighs, and then transplanted into the penis. The fatty tissue is carefully prepared before transplantation in order to achieve the best possible results. The procedure is usually performed under sedation or general anesthesia. The transplanted fatty tissue is inserted into the penis using fine cannulas,
To increase the volume and girth. The advantages of penile thickening with autologous fat are that it is a natural approach, which is preferred by many men. The results of penile thickening with autologous fat can vary from individual to individual, but many men report improved penis thickness and increased self-confidence in the intimate area.
What motivates men to undergo penis thickening with autologous fat?
In recent years, the “taboo subject” of penis thickening has fortunately come more and more to the fore. What was then still an “embarrassing”, rarely addressed wish of many men is now being discussed more and more openly. As the external shape influences the subjective perception of many men, unwanted changes in size and girth can have a negative effect on self-esteem, satisfaction and quality of life. By transferring autologous fat, it is possible to increase the girth of the penis and thus achieve harmonious proportions.
What is penis thickening with autologous fat?
Wie es der Name schon verrät, wird bei dieser Methode das körpereigene Fettgewebe aus anderen Körperregionen entnommen und nach Aufa As the name suggests, this method involves taking the body’s own fatty tissue from other parts of the body and using it to thicken the penis after preparation.
A closer look at the anatomy reveals a thin layer just under the skin that surrounds the entire penis. This layer can be filled with autologous fat. The existing shape is retained and also harmonized and thickened. bereitung zur Penisverdickung verwendet.
Bei genauer Betrachtung der Anatomie zeigt sich eine dünne Schicht knapp unter der Haut, welche den gesamten Penis umgibt. Diese Schicht lässt sich mit Eigenfett auffüllen. Die bestehende Form wird beibehalten und darüber hinaus harmonisiert sowie verdickt.

What are the different methods?
Autologous fat is an extremely natural method of thickening the circumference. However, there are also other alternatives. Hyaluronic acid, for example, is also used by some colleagues as a thickening method. This is an artificially produced product that can be used for thickening in a similar way to fat. It also offers good results. However, this product is completely broken down by the body over time and therefore requires the procedure to be repeated. We have therefore concentrated purely on autologous fat transplantation

Who is penis thickening with autologous fat suitable for?
In principle, this operation is suitable for any man who is interested in thickening. If hyaluronic acid is not an option, the autologous fat method is the most natural and harmonious option. However, your personal anatomy will determine whether and how much fat can be inserted and, above all, what the result will look like after the operation. As the autologous fat is removed, purified and returned in liquid form, the basic shape of your limb is crucial.
Who is it not suitable for?
In the rare case that you have too little fat mass or a very low BMI, an autologous fat transplant may not be possible. Approximately 50 ml of pure fat is required for an average penis thickening. This small amount can also be found in underweight men. However, extreme athletes with a body fat percentage of less than 8% are an exception. The less fat there is, the longer the operation takes, as several so-called “donor zones” have to be suctioned out.
A small self-test is the “fat pinch”. Pinch the skin with your thumb and index finger and see how much tissue you can hold between your fingers. If the layer of fat between your fingers is about 3 cm or more, the procedure is very suitable for you. If your fat layer is thinner than 2 cm, surgery would be possible, but 2-3 zones of liposuction are absolutely necessary.

When is the best time?
You determine the time for your operation! The time of year plays less of a role than your personal planning. Penis thickening is a short outpatient procedure with only a short downtime. However, it takes some time before the final result is visible.
What type of anesthesia is necessary?
You will be sedated during the operation. This means that you will be in a kind of twilight sleep. A pleasant state in which you do not notice or feel anything about the operation. A general anesthetic is not usually necessary. The difference between anesthesia and sedation is, in addition to different medications, that artificial respiration is not used. During sedation, you breathe on your own. Patients perceive this as less stressful.
Combination with other procedures
Autologous fat transplantation can be combined with many other procedures. Patients often opt for an additional tightening of the liposuctioned area. This is particularly useful for loose connective tissue and excess skin. Small autologous fat transplants to fill volume defects in the face, e.g. the jawline, are also very popular.
Surgical and conservative alternatives
There are various conservative and surgical alternatives for many operations. It is therefore necessary to consider these carefully before any surgical procedure. If the use of a scalpel can be dispensed with due to conservative alternatives, these are of course preferable.
In the case of penis thickening, however, the options with non-surgical alternatives are extremely limited. Although special vacuum treatments have been able to achieve a small increase in studies, the application is often cumbersome and the results rarely last long. Hours of wearing appropriate vacuum pumps necessary

Is this operation performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis?
Penis thickening with autologous fat is performed on an outpatient basis in our clinic. A total of 3-4 hours should be planned. Even if the actual operation time is 1 hour, the time for preparation and follow-up must be taken into account, e.g. the sleeping pills must be slept off. You are welcome to stay in our surgery until you feel fit again. Immediately after waking up, you may experience slight circulatory weakness. Active participation in road traffic should be avoided at all costs for the first 12 hours. We recommend that you are accompanied for the first few hours after the operation and for the first night. When you leave the surgery, you will be given an emergency number where you can reach us 24 hours a day. The first check-up usually takes place the day after the operation.
Risks and complications
During surgical procedures, skin and tissue as well as underlying structures are treated with the suction cannulas. Despite all caution, complications of varying severity can occur. It is important that you are adequately informed about all possible risks and complications before a planned operation. During the initial consultation, we will go through a corresponding information sheet with you.
Minor complications
Autologous fat transplantation is a procedure with relatively few complications. If performed carefully, the risk of permanent consequences is very low. As with all surgical procedures, there may be minimal pain, comparable to moderate muscle soreness, as well as swelling and hematomas. These occur both at the removal sites and on the penis. After approx. 3-4 weeks, this should subside considerably. Many men only report a slight pulling sensation on the penis. Patients also notice slight irregularities here if the inserted fat heals slightly unevenly.
Other possible complications in the donor area can include dents and irregularities. As a preventative measure, strict care is taken during the operation to ensure that the areas are evenly sealed. Nevertheless, minimal irregularities may remain. To minimize the risk of irregularities in the suctioned areas after the operation, we recommend consistently wearing compression garments for larger areas (if additional liposuction is planned) and lipomassages by your physiotherapist.
Rare, major complications
After transplantation of adipose tissue, it is essential to ensure immediate blood supply to the fat cells. If there is insufficient blood flow/diffusion within the first 48 hours, the cells may suffer significant damage. Pressure, cold and nicotine consumption jeopardize the blood circulation and thus the survival of the cells. This can result in so-called fatty tissue necrosis (dead fat particles) or oil cysts. These are rarely noticed by patients and in exceptional cases must be surgically removed. Such changes typically occur within the first 6-12 months after the operation.
What to do in the event of complications?
If, contrary to expectations, complications occur, we will not leave you alone with them. After the operation, you will be given an emergency number where you can reach us 24 hours a day. During the routine check-ups following the operation, we will discuss the progress and further procedure with you in detail.
Healing and progress
As soon as patients have decided to have surgery, there is great anticipation of the result. However, depending on the procedure, there is a long way to go. You will need to be patient until the final result is achieved. If you know what to expect before your planned operation, this path will be easier.
How long does the healing process take?
The transplanted fat cells must be protected, especially during the first 2 weeks. We therefore recommend avoiding jumping and bouncing sports. In the first 24-48 hours you will notice moderate swelling, bruising (especially at the donor site), slight pain and minimal discomfort. It is normal that you will need mild painkillers. Most patients take a day off on the first day after surgery to give the body the rest it needs to recover quickly. After 48 hours you will be able to shower normally with “shower plasters”.
If you do not have to do any heavy physical work, you will probably be able to return to work from the 3rd/4th day after the operation.
After about a month, the majority of patients feel as they did before. Slight bruising and any swelling will have largely disappeared. Your penis will take on its “final” shape over the coming months.
After 6-8 weeks, all sporting activities are possible again.
Of course, these time recommendations are guidelines based on our experience, which may require individual adjustment.
Your body will take as much time as it needs.
Is the treatment painful
Penis thickening with autologous fat is not painful. You will not feel any pain during the operation. Immediately after the procedure, the painkillers will continue to have an effect, so you will probably only feel moderate pain in the suctioned areas on the evening of the day of the operation. If a major liposuction procedure is combined, we will put your compression garments on immediately after the operation. The water retention in the liposuctioned areas causes them to swell considerably after the operation. Patients often describe a noticeable feeling of tightness in the first 2-3 days. There is usually no pain in the penis.

When can the final result be expected?
The check-up after 3 months will show how much fat your body has “healed” and how much has been reduced. From this point on, the volume of the penis will no longer change significantly. If you are satisfied with the volume, the treatment is complete. If not, you are welcome to make a second appointment for surgery.
What should patients plan for?
A surgical procedure requires a certain amount of planning and organization not only for the surgical team, but also for the patient, both before and after the operation. It is important that you are well prepared and know what to expect. This allows you to concentrate fully on enjoying the result.
One of the most important questions before any surgical procedure is the “why”. You should be clear about why you want to have surgery in the first place. Once you have answered this question and made a decision, the following questions should definitely be clarified: How? By whom? When?
I will be delighted if you find your way to my surgery and would like to be operated on by me. However, I also recommend all my patients to get a second opinion. You should be absolutely sure about the date and surgeon.
Plan the time before your operation
Before every breast operation, we recommend a urological check-up to ensure that there is no underlying disease. As soon as you have decided to have the operation after a detailed consultation and anamnesis, you should plan the time after the operation with your work or family accordingly. Although a longer period of absence is not to be expected, it is often the case that you will be slightly restricted in your movement.
Plan the time after your operation
Although you will not have to expect long periods of absence after a penis thickening, you should plan your time afterwards well. It may be temporarily more difficult to pursue social or private commitments. You should also plan your “time off” with your employer and family in advance of surgery. It is not uncommon for patients to experience an emotional change after an operation due to the physical change. If you are expecting a stressful period at work, we recommend that you postpone the operation if possible.
How much does a penis enlargement with autologous fat cost?
Breast augmentation with autologous fat starts at €3300. If additional liposuction is required for one or more regions, this will affect the operation time and therefore the price. In combination with other procedures, such as autologous fat grafting or Bodytite, combination prices can be offered.

Financing, down payment, payment by installments
We also offer the option of financing. We will be happy to inform you about this during a personal consultation. If you decide on an operation date after our consultation, we will agree a deposit of €500 to fix a date accordingly. You can pay the remaining amount on the day of the operation or in advance.