A thigh lift shapes loose tissue onn your legs

In brief
Thigh lift surgery is a popular procedure to improve the contour and firmness of the thighs for interested patients. Many people are looking for effective solutions to reduce excess skin and sagging tissue on the thighs and achieve a tighter, slimmer leg shape. During this procedure, we remove excess skin and tighten the underlying tissue. The procedure can involve various techniques, such as liposuction to remove excess fat and the removal of excess fat from the thighs.
and the removal of excess skin through an incision along the inside or back of the thighs. The thigh lift is usually performed under general anesthesia or sedation. A careful incision is made to remove excess tissue and tighten the remaining skin. The result is an improved leg contour with tighter skin and an overall slimmer appearance.
What motivates people to have a thigh lift?
Over the years, a completely normal ageing process in your body leads to sagging of the skin and connective tissue. In addition to the upper arms and abdomen, the inner thighs are the areas where this often becomes visible. The greater the sagging, the more intensely patients feel the skin and connective tissue “wobble” even during everyday movements. Once the tissue is stretched, it quickly becomes a significant limitation in life. If the choice of clothing is already difficult, those affected often describe a social withdrawal in order not to expose themselves to the “mocking looks” of others. On their own initiative, people often change their diet and exercise as “self-treatment”. By building up muscle, sagging tissue can be “filled up” to a certain extent with volume, but sagging skin will always be visible.
Although this is completely natural, it is often perceived as a burden. If the quality of life suffers as a result, patients often long for a permanent solution.
What is a thigh lift?
As the name suggests, skin and connective tissue on the thighs are reduced and permanently tightened through a surgical procedure. The sagging of the skin is prevented and a new harmonious contour is restored. Using the most modern surgical techniques, tightening the upper arm is possible because

What different methods are there?
There are many surgical methods for tightening tissue. We distinguish between a vertical scar on the inside of the thigh up to the knee and a short scar in the groin area. However, the excess skin determines the procedure; the more skin, the more likely the scar will be vertical and extend from the groin to the knee. Even if we would like to work in a scar-saving manner in aesthetic surgery, this is not always possible, especially with massive excess skin/soft tissue. A combination with Bodytite is recommended for tightening moderately loose connective tissue.

Who is a thigh lift suitable for?
A thigh lift is suitable for patients with significant excess skin and soft tissue. The sagging of the inner thigh is often noticeable through uncomfortable rubbing during sport or even normal walking. This condition can be exacerbated by massive weight loss or after alternating phases of gaining and losing weight. If these phases occur slowly over a very long period of time, the body often manages to put the skin back on. Patients are initially still able to conceal the loose skin/soft tissue by building up muscle, but irreversible damage soon occurs. This is certainly only a condition that threatens the patient’s own health, but it is often perceived as stigmatizing. Severe excess skin/tissue can be permanently removed by surgical tightening. In principle, this operation can be performed at any age once the patient has reached the age of majority.
Who is it not suitable for?
Before any surgical procedure, the cause of the weight gain or loss should be clarified. In rare cases, lymphatic or venous drainage disorders can be the cause of a change in the skin/soft tissue. In this case, a hasty operation may lead to a temporary but not permanent improvement. Furthermore, the ideal weight should be maintained for at least 6 months before the operation if possible. Significant weight fluctuations could have a negative effect on the result after the operation. If you only suffer from a slight excess of skin and tissue, you should consider whether an alternative tightening procedure would be more appropriate. A Bodytite treatment also leads to tightening with less tissue loosening and saves you a major operation.

When is the best time?
A thigh lift is an aesthetic operation. In general, there is no time pressure here. Each patient will therefore choose the time for a lift for their own reasons. If you are at the beginning or in the middle of the journey to your personal dream weight, we recommend that you achieve and maintain this weight first. In general, your current weight should be stable for at least 6 months. Any month can be chosen in terms of timing. As it is necessary to wear compression garments after the operation, many women opt for the cooler months of the year.
What type of anesthesia is necessary?
You will be under sedation during the operation. This is a pleasant state in which you will neither feel any pain nor notice anything of the operation. After the procedure, you will wake up relaxed and pain-free. The difference between anesthesia and sedation is, in addition to different medications, that artificial respiration is not used. During sedation, you breathe on your own. Patients perceive this as less stressful.
Can the procedure be combined with other procedures?
Many patients combine the upper arm lift with liposuction on other parts of the body.
Surgical and conservative alternatives
There are various conservative and surgical alternatives for many operations. It is therefore necessary to consider these carefully before any surgical intervention. If the use of a scalpel can be dispensed with due to conservative alternatives, these are of course preferable.
Bodytite treatment, for example, is available as a minimally invasive alternative. This uses radiofrequency therapy to stimulate contraction of the connective tissue and tightening of the skin. However, this procedure is only useful for moderate soft tissue excess. Liposuction is also an alternative and saves a visible scar. Your body has a certain “retraction capacity”, an ability to tighten sagging tissue to a small degree. Whether this is possible should definitely be clarified during a physical examination.
Exercise, alternating showers and massages generally promote blood circulation and are ideal for preventive body care. Massive muscle building of the thigh muscles can create volume through muscle growth. This fills out the sagging tissue somewhat. However, despite various myths, none of these methods can regenerate sagging connective tissue. In this case, only surgery can bring about effective change.

The photos show examples of primary thigh lifts performed in my practice. These were performed either surgically with removal of skin and tissue or minimally invasively using a combination of liposuction and body tite.
The extent of the excess skin/tissue determines the lifting technique. We are also happy to take on corrections from operations performed elsewhere.
However, you should first discuss any dissatisfaction with the surgeon who operated on you – it is quite possible that you will benefit from a free follow-up correction.

Is this operation performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis?
We usually perform thigh lifts on an outpatient basis in our practice. A total of 3-4 hours should be planned. Even if the actual operation time is 1.5-2 hours, the time for preparation and follow-up must be taken into account. For example, the sleeping pills need to be taken. You are welcome to stay in our surgery until you feel fit again. Immediately after waking up, you may experience slight circulatory weakness. Active participation in road traffic should be avoided at all costs for the first 12 hours. We recommend that you are accompanied for the first few hours after the operation and for the first night.
An inpatient stay is advisable for larger tightening operations. As a rule, an overnight stay of 1-2 days in a private hospital is sufficient.
Risks and complications
Surgery is a wonderful routine for us. Nevertheless, we are aware that many of our patients may only have surgery once in their lives. It is therefore essential that you are informed about all possible consequences of this procedure.
During surgical procedures, skin and tissue as well as underlying structures are treated with sharp instruments. Despite all caution, complications of varying severity can occur. During the initial consultation, we will go through a corresponding information sheet with you.
Minor complications
A thigh lift is a procedure with relatively few complications. If performed carefully, the risk of permanent consequences is very low. As with all surgical procedures, there may be minimal pain, comparable to moderate muscle soreness, as well as swelling and hematomas.
Slight asymmetries, scar widening, seromas, wound healing disorders and temporary loss of sensation are exceptions and usually disappear on their own. In our experience, swelling, restricted movement and the gentle posture caused by a compression garment are well tolerated.
Rare major complications
Major complications may require follow-up treatment or, in extremely rare cases, repeat surgery. Post-operative bleeding must be stopped immediately, even if the blood loss is minimal. Impairment of the skin’s circulation is also possible, the likelihood of which increases with the extent of the operation. All relevant details will be discussed with you in detail during your consultation.
What to do in the event of complications?
If, contrary to expectations, complications occur, we will not leave you to deal with them alone. After the operation, you will be given an emergency number where you can reach us 24 hours a day. During the routine check-ups following the operation, we will discuss the progress and further procedure with you in detail.
Healing and progression
As soon as patients have decided to have surgery, there is great anticipation of the result. However, depending on the procedure, there is a long way to go. You will need to be patient until the final result is achieved. If you know what to expect before your planned operation, this path will be easier.
How long does the recovery take?
You will certainly feel well again quickly and will only notice restrictions for a few days. Nevertheless, physical rest is crucial in the first 6 weeks after the operation in order to allow the deep tissue enough rest to regenerate. It takes 6-12 months until complete healing. During this time, the last swellings disappear and the abdomen takes on its final shape.
With the exception of competitive sports, sporting activities are possible after 8-12 weeks.
Of course, these time recommendations are guidelines based on our experience, which sometimes require individual adjustment.
Your body will take the time it needs.
Is the treatment painful?
The thigh lift is not painful. You will of course not feel any pain during the operation. Immediately after the procedure, the painkillers will still have sufficient effect, so that you will probably only feel moderate pain in the treated areas in the evening of the day of the operation. We will put your compression garments on immediately after the operation. Swelling occurs after the operation due to water retention. Patients often describe a noticeable feeling of tightness for the first 2-3 days. Standing upright or walking may feel a little unsteady at first.

When can the final result be expected?
The result of the thigh lift is visible immediately. Important: The thighs will initially appear somewhat “over-tightened”. After about 3 months, the connective tissue structures will have settled and reached their final shape.
The “durability” of a thigh lift depends on your connective tissue and the quality of your skin. The more stressed these have been over the years, the more likely it is that there will be minimal sagging. However, this would be significantly less pronounced than the original sagging.
What should patients plan?
A surgical procedure requires a certain amount of planning and organization not only for the surgical team, but also for the patient, both before and after the operation. It is important that you are well prepared and know what to expect. This allows you to concentrate fully on enjoying the results.
One of the most important questions before any surgical procedure is the “why”. You should be clear about why you want to have surgery at all. Once you have answered this question and made a decision, the following questions should definitely be clarified: How? By whom? When?
I will be delighted if you find your way to my surgery and would like to be operated on by me. However, I also recommend all my patients to get a second opinion. You should be absolutely certain about the date and surgeon.
Plan the time before your operation
Before any tightening operation, we recommend a general medical check-up to ensure that there are no underlying illnesses or movement restrictions in the arm or shoulder joint.
As soon as you have decided to have the operation after a detailed consultation and medical history, you should plan the time after the operation with those around you accordingly. Although you should not expect to be out of action for any length of time, you may occasionally experience temporary movement restrictions.
Plan the time after your operation
It is advisable to prepare in advance to wear a special abdominal bandage for 6 weeks. Physical rest is also necessary during this period so as not to hinder the healing process.
What does an operation cost?
A thigh lift starts at €5000. If an additional operation is planned for other regions, this will affect the operation time and therefore the price. In combination with other procedures such as autologous fat grafting or body contouring, combination prices can be offered.

Financing, down payment, installment payment
We also offer the option of financing. We will be happy to inform you about this during a personal consultation. If you decide on an operation date after our consultation, we will agree a deposit of €500 to fix the date accordingly. You can pay the remaining amount on the day of the operation or in advance.